Thursday, 16 July 2020

International Conference on Nanoscience, Nanotechnology & Advanced Materials (IC2NAM)

  • JAN
  • TO
  • JAN

International Conference in London  on Nanoscience, Nanotechnology & Advanced Materials (IC2NAM)

Event Serial - 432468

Contact Person Conference coordinator
Event Enquiries Email Address-
Deadline For Abstracts/Proposals: 2020-12-25
Organized By: Iser
Venue London , United Kingdom

About Event

The key intention of IC2NAM is to provide opportunity for the global participants to share their ideas and experience in person with their peers expected to join from different parts on the world. In addition this gathering will help the delegates to establish research or business relations as well as to find international linkage for future collaborations in their career path. We hope that IC2NAM outcome will lead to significant contributions to the knowledge base in these up-to-date scientific fields in scope.

International Conference on Control, Optimization and Automation in Mining, Mineral and Metal Processing

Registration Panel

International Conference in Fiji  on Control, Optimization and Automation in Mining, Mineral and Metal Processing

Event Serial-384494
Contact Person- Conference Coordinator
Event enquiries email address-
Deadline for abstracts/proposals: 2021-04-20
Organized by: Eurasia Web
Venue: Suva,  Fiji

International Conference and Expo on Drug Discovery, Designing and Development

Registration Panel

International Conference  in Poland and Expo on Drug Discovery, Designing and Development

Event Serial-385270
Contact Person- Conference Coordinator
Event enquiries email address-
Deadline for abstracts/proposals: 2021-05-10
Organized by: Universal Research Cluster
Venue: Łódź,  Poland

About Event

. It aims to bring together leading academic researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Drug Discovery, Designing and Development. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Drug Discovery, Designing and Development

Monday, 13 July 2020

International Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance & Social Sciences (ICGEFS)

Registration Panel

International Conference in Singapore  on Global Business, Economics, Finance & Social Sciences (ICGEFS)

Event Serial-285709
Contact Person- Conference coordinator
Event enquiries email address-
Deadline for abstracts/proposals: 2020-07-03
Organized by: Sciencefora
Venue: Singapore ,  Singapore

About Event

An elegant and rich premier global platform for the International Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance & Social Sciences ICGEFS that uniquely describes the Academic research and development across globe. This event tries to fill in the void that is being created by the current global academic and research by the different global challenges .

International Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks, Ubiquitous Computing and Applications

Registration Panel

International Conference in China  on Wireless Sensor Networks, Ubiquitous Computing and Applications

Event Serial-173885
Contact Person- Conference Coordinator
Event enquiries email address-
Deadline for abstracts/proposals: 2020-07-02
Organized by: World Research Society
Venue: Wuhan,  China

About Event

The conference provides a platform for professionals involved in Wireless Sensor Networks and Mobile computing to exchange knowledge and gain an insight into the state of the art in the current technology, techniques and solutions in Wireless Sensor Networks and Mobile computing as they have been developed and applied in different countries. Participants include a wide variety of stakeholders from research and academia, to industrial sectors as well as government organizations.

National Conference on Recent Advances in Science, Engineering, Technology and Management (NCRASETM)

  • AUG
  • TO
  • AUG

National Conference in Jaipur  on Recent Advances in Science, Engineering, Technology and Management (NCRASETM)

Event Serial - 424752
Contact Person Conference coordinator
Event Enquiries Email Address-
Deadline For Abstracts/Proposals: 2020-07-31
Organized By: wrfer
Venue Jaipur ,Rajasthan India

About Event

NCRASETM is to bring together innovative academics and industrial experts in the field of Science, Engineering, Technology and Management to a common forum. All the registered papers will be published by the World Research Library and will be submitted for review for indexing by Google Scholar etc. This Conference is sponsored by many International institutes. The conference would offer a large number of invited lectures from renowned speakers all over the country. The Best paper awards will be given for the papers judged to make the most significant contribution to the conference.

International Conference on Nanotechnology, Renewable Materials Engineering & Environmental Engineering

  • OCT
  • TO
  • OCT

International Conference in Bali  on

Nanotechnology, Renewable Materials Engineering & Environmental Engineering

Event Serial - 404749
Contact Person Conference coordinator
Event Enquiries Email Address-
Deadline For Abstracts/Proposals: 2020-09-17
Organized By: Ieeeconference
Venue Bali , Indonesia

About Event

ICNRMEEE provides an international forum for researchers, developers, engineers and academicians who are involved in research projects to exchange and share their valuable ideas and research concept leading to the innovation of new and relevant technology. We are going to provide an opportunity to exchange new ideas, advances and technologies for all registered participants. We hope that this will become a strong technological and academic community for worldwide engineers, scholars ,academicians , industrialists and students in fields of relevant areas.

International Conference on Control, Optimization and Automation in Mining, Mineral and Metal Processing

Registration Panel

International Conference in Iran  on Control, Optimization and Automation in Mining, Mineral and Metal Processing

Event Serial-384905
Contact Person- Conference Coordinator
Event enquiries email address-
Deadline for abstracts/proposals: 2021-04-27
Organized by: Eurasia Web
Venue: Kermanshah,  Iran

About Event

The conference provides a platform for professionals involved in Control, Optimization and Automation in Mining, Mineral and Metal to exchange knowledge and gain an insight into the state of the art in the current technology, techniques and solutions in Control, Optimization and Automation in Mining, Mineral and Metal as they have been developed and applied in different countries. Participants include a wide variety of stakeholders from research and academia, to industrial sectors as well as government organizations.

International Conference on Advances in Business Management and Information Technology (ICABMIT)

Registration Panel

International Conference  in goa on Advances in Business Management and Information Technology (ICABMIT)

Event Serial-437308
Contact Person- Conference coordinator
Event enquiries email address-
Deadline for abstracts/proposals: 2021-04-09
Organized by: Theiier
Venue: Goa,  Goa,  India

About Event

ICABMIT is sponsored by International Institute of Engineers and Researchers IIER. It aims to be one of the leading International conferences for presenting novel and fundamental advances in the fields of Business Management and Information Technology. It also serves to foster communication among researchers and practitioners working in a wide variety of scientific areas with a common interest in improving Business Management and Information Technology related techniques.